

Marco Polo 
1254 - 1324

I believe it was God's will that we should come back,
so that men might know the things that are in the world,
since no other man, Christian or Saracen, Mongol or pagan,
has explored so much of the world as Messer Marco, son of
Messer Niccolò Polo, great and noble citizen of the city of Venice.


The travels of Marco Polo (1844)

I viaggi di Marco Polo Veneziano (1847)

The travels of Marco Polo, the Venetian (1854)

Die Reisen des Venezianers Marco Polo (1855)


I viaggi di Marco Polo (1863)

I viaggi di Marco Polo (1863)


I viaggi di Marco Polo (unica versione originale) (1878)

I viaggi di Marco Polo (unica versione originale) (1878)


The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, vol. I (1871)

The book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, vol. II (1871)


Marco Polo, his travels and adventures (1880)

Marco Polo, his travels and adventures (1880)


Marco Polo, son temps et ses voyages (1880)


The travels of Marco Polo, for boys and girls (1885)

The travels of Marco Polo, for boys and girls (1885)


Voyages and travels of Marco Polo (1886)


The travels of Marco Polo,the Venetian (1892)


The story of Marco Polo (1898)


The adventures of Marco Polo, the great traveler (1902)


The travels of Marco Polo (1903)


The book of Ser Marco Polo, vol. I (1903)

The book of Ser Marco Polo, vol. II (1903)


The book of Ser Marco Polo, vol. I (1903)

The book of Ser Marco Polo, vol. II (1903)


The travels of Marco Polo, vol. 1 (1903)

The travels of Marco Polo, vol. 2 (1903)


The travels of Marco Polo the Venetian (1914)


Contemporaries of Marco Polo, consisting of the travel records to the eastern parts of the world of William of Rubruck (1253-1255); the journey of John of Pian de Carpini (1245-1247); the journal of Friar Odoric (1318-1330), the oriental travels of Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela (1160-1173) (1928)


The travels of Marco Polo (the Venetian) (1930)


The most noble and famous travels of Marco Polo (1937)


Histoire de l'expansion coloniale des peuples européens

A book of discovery, the history of the world's exploration, from the earliest times to the finding of the South Pole (1912)

A book of the sea

A century of discovery: biographical sketches of the Portuguese and Spanish navigators


A history of geographical discovery in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (1912)

A history of geographical discovery in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (1912)

A history of geographical discovery in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (1965)


A popular history of the discovery of America from Columbus to Franklin (1865)

Albuquerque (1897)


Captain Cook's three voyages round the world; with a sketch of his life (1876)

Captain Cook's three voyages round the world; with a sketch of his life (1892)

Captain Cook's three voyages round the world; with a sketch of his life (1906)


Christopher Columbus (1912)

Cristoforo Colombo nella leggenda e nella storia (1923)

Découvertes des Portugais en Amérique au temps de Christophe Colomb

Ferdinand Magellan (1930)

Half-hours with the early explorers

Heroes of modern Africa (1911)


Histoire de la découverte de l'Amérique depuis les origines jusqu'à la mort de Christophe Colomb, tome I (1892)

Histoire de la découverte de l'Amérique depuis les origines jusqu'à la mort de Christophe Colomb, tome II (1892)


Beazley, Charles Raymond

John and Sebastian Cabot, the discovery of North America (1898)

John and Sebastian Cabot, the discovery of North America (1898)

The chronicle of the discovery and conquest of Guinea, vol. I (1896)

The chronicle of the discovery and conquest of Guinea, vol. II (1896)

The texts and versions of John de Plano Carpini and William de Rubruquis (1903)

Voyages and travels mainly during the 16th and 17th centuries, vol. I (1903)

Voyages and travels mainly during the 16th and 17th centuries, vol. II (1903)

Voyages and travels mainly during the 16th and 17th centuries, vol. I (1903)

Voyages and travels mainly during the 16th and 17th centuries, vol. II (1903)

Voyages of the Elizabethan seamen (1907)

Voyages of the Elizabethan seamen (1907)

Voyages of the Elizabethan seamen (1907)

Voyages of the Elizabethan seamen (1936)

Prince Henry The Navigator (1923)

Prince Henry The Navigator (1931)


Histoire de la Floride française (1875)


Vasco da Gama and his successors, 1460-1580

Vasco da Gama and his successors, 1460-1580


Histoire de la science nautique portugaise, résumée


Historia do descobrimento da America, tomo I (1836)

Historia do descobrimento da America, tomo II (1836)


Italian explorers in Africa (1891)

L'astronomie nautique au Portugal à l'époque des grandes découvertes

Les Irlandais en Amérique avant Colomb d'après la légende et l'histoire (1890)

Les légendes allemandes sur l'histoire des découvertes maritimes portugaises

Life of Christopher Columbus

Lives and discoveries of famous travellers


Lives and exploits of the most distinguished voyagers, adventurers and discoverers in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, the South Seas, and Polar regions (1840)


Man upon the sea, or, a history of maritime adventure, exploration, and discovery, from the earliest ages to the present time (1858)

Man upon the sea, or, a history of maritime adventure, exploration, and discovery, from the earliest ages to the present time (1858)


Maritime discovery, a history of nautical exploration from the earliest times, vol. I (1881)

Maritime discovery, a history of nautical exploration from the earliest times, vol. II (1881)


Modern explorers (1882)

Nuñez de Balboa, la première traversée de l'isthme américain (1882)


Old Panama and Castilla del Oro (1911)

Old Panama and Castilla del Oro (1914)


Out with the old voyagers (1895)

Portugal nos mares (1902)

Prince Henry, the Navigator

Regimento do estrolabio e do quadrante: tractado da spera do mundo

The arctic regions, and polar discoveries during the nineteenth century (1875)

The complete history of Arctic and Antarctic exploration (1913)


The discoveries of Prince Henry the Navigator and their results (1877)

The discoveries of Prince Henry the Navigator and their results (1877)


The exploration of the world (1882)

The golden age of Prince Henry the Navigator

The golden book of the Dutch navigators


The great explorers of the nineteenth century (1881)

The great navigators of the eighteenth century (1880)


The history of maritime and inland discovery, vol. I (1830)

The history of maritime and inland discovery, vol. II (1830)

The history of maritime and inland discovery, vol. III (1830)


The life and voyages of Christopher Columbus

The life of Ferdinand Magellan and the first circumnavigation of the globe, 1480-1521 (1891)

The life of Prince Henry of Portugal, surnamed the Navigator, and its results

The pioneer heroes of the new world, from the earliest period (982) to the present time

The romance of modern exploration (1905)

The romance of navigation, a brief record of maritime discovery from the earliest times to the 18th century

The story of Columbus and Magellan (1905)

The story of geographical discovery, how the world became known (1916)

The story of Magellan and the discovery of the discovery of the Philippines (1899)

The struggle for sea power (1903)

Voyages of the Elizabethan seamen


Beyond the Sunset: A Book of Explorers (1835)