

Alexander, Thomas - Thomson, Arthur Watson

Elementary applied mechanics (1916)


Allen, R. G.

Principles and practice of electrical testing (1919)


Alonso, Marcelo - Finn, Edward J.

Física, vol. I - Mecanica (1967)

Física, vol. II - Campos y ondas (1970)


Ames, Joseph Streetman

Theory of physics (1897)

Theory of physics (1897)

Theory of physics (1897)

A manual of experiments in physics (1898)

A manual of experiments in physics (1898)

Text-book of general physics (1904)

Text-book of general physics (1907)

The constitution of matter (1913)


Andrade, E. N. da Costa

The structure of the atom (1927)


Andrews, Ernest J. - Howland, H. N.

Elements of physics (1903)


Anfilov, Gleb

Music and physics (1966)


Anthony, William A. - Brackett, Cyrus F. - Magie, William Francis

Elementary text-book of physics (1897)

Elementary text-book of physics (1902)


Appell, Paul

Cours de mécanique élémentaire à l'usage des élèves de la classe de mathématiques (1905)


Appell, P. - Chappuis, J.

Leçons de mécanique élémentaire à l'usage des élèves des classes de mathématiques A et B (1907)


Arnott, Neil

Elements of physics or natural philosophy (1880)


Ashe, Sydney Whitmore

Electricity experimentally and practically applied (1910)


Ashford, Cyril Ernest

Elementary experimental dynamics for schools (1913)


Baker, T.

The mathematical theory of the steam engine (1875)


Ball, Robert Stawell

Experimental mechanics (1871)

A treatise on the theory of screws (1909)

Great astronomers (1920)

In starry realms (1909)

Elements of astronomy (1910)

A popular guide to the heavens (1905)

The story of the sun (1906)

In starry realms (1908)

A treatise on spherical astronomy (1908)

The earth's beginning (1909)

In the high heavens (1910)

In the high heavens (1910)


Barlow, C. W. C.

Elementary mathematical astronomy (1897)


Barnett, S. J.

Elements of electromagnetic theory (1903)


Barrett, W. F. - Brown, W.

Practical physics, an introductory handbook for the physical laboratory (1892)


Bateman, H.

The mathematical analysis of electrical and optical wave-motion on the basis of Maxwell's equations (1915)


Bauer, Wolfgang - Westfall, Gary D.

University physics with modern physics (2011)


Beer, Ferdinand F. - Johnston, E. Russell

Vector mechanics for engineers (1977)


Beiser, Arthur

Concepts of modern physics (2003)


Benjamin, Park

A history of electricity from antiquity to the times of Benjamin Franklin (1898)

A history of electricity from antiquity to the times of Benjamin Franklin (1898)


Berliner, Arnold

Lehrbuch der Physik (1935)


Bitsadze, A V.

Fundamental laws of mechanics (1978)

Equations of mathematical physics (1980)


Bitsadze, A. V. - Kalinichenko, D. F.

A collection of problems on the equations of mathematical physics (1980)


Black, Newton Henry - Davis, Harvey Nathaniel

Practical physics, fundamental principles and applications to daily life (1922)


Boutain, A. - Almeida, J. Charles de

Cours élémentaire de physique (1863)


Bridgman, P. W.

Dimensional analysis (1922)

Dimensional analysis (1931)

The nature of thermodynamics (1943)


Brodetsky, S.

Sir Isaac Newton (1927)


Bryant, W. W.

Galileo (1918)

Kepler (1920)


Buckley, H.

A short history of physics (1929)


Burtt, Edwin Arthur

The metaphysical foundations of modern physical science; a historical and critical essay (1925)


Cajori, Florian

A history of physics (1917)

A history of physics (1922)

A history of physics (1924)


Carhart, Henry S.

Physics for college students (1910)

Physics for university students, part I (1894)

Physics for university students, part II (1896)

Physics for university students, part I (1898)

Physics for university students, part II (1896)


Carhart, Henry S. - Chute, Horatio N.

Physics for high school students (1901)

Physics for high school students (1907)

The elements of physics (1910)

First principles of physics (1912)

Laboratory exercises to accompany Carhart and Chute's "First principles of physics"

Cariolaro, Gianfranco

Unified signal theory (2011)


Cereda, Claudio

Corso di fisica


Challis, James

Notes on the principles of pure and applied calculation (1869)


Christiansen. C.

Elemente der theoretischen Physik (1894)

Elements of theoretical physics (1897)

Elements of theoretical physics (1897)


Comstock, John Lee

A system of natural philosophy (1859)


Cooley, Le Roy C.

The new text-book of physics. An elementary course in natural philosophy (1880)


Cotterill, James H.

Applied mechanics, an elementary general introduction to the theory of structure and machines (1884)


Cox, John

Mechanics (1909)

Beyond the atom (1913)


Crew, Henry

General physics, an elementary text-book for colleges (1908)

The rise of modern physics, a popular sketch (1928)


Crawford, Jr., Frank S.

Waves (1968)


Crowther, James Arnold

Ions, electrons, and ionizing radiations (1919)

The life and discoveries of Michael Faraday (1920)

Practical physics (1922)


Culler, J. A.

A text-book of general physics for colleges - Mechanics and heat (1909)

A text-book of general physics for college students - Electricity, electromagnetic waves, and sound (1914)


Curry, Charles Emerson

Theory of electricity and magnetism (1897)

Theory of electricity and magnetism (1897)

Electromagnetic theory of light, part I (1905)

Electromagnetic theory of light, part I (1905)


Cutler, Convict W.

Essentials of physics and chemistry written especially for the use of students in medicine (1899)


Daniell, Alfred

A text book of the principles of physics (1894)


Dann, James H. - Dann, James J.

People's Physics Book


Davis, Harold T.

Philosophy and modern science (1931)


Delaunay, Charles

Cours élémentaire de mécanique théorique et appliquée (1854)


Doherty, Robert E. - Keller, Ernest G.

Mathematics of modern engineering, vol. I (1936)

Mathematics of modern engineering, vol. II (1945)


Duff, A. Wilmer

Elementary experimental mechanics (1905)


Duff, Wilmer A. - Ewell, Arthur W.

Physical measurements (1913)

Physical measurements (1913)


Duff, A. Wilmer

A text-book of physics (1919)


Duhem, Pierre

Les théories électriques de J. Clerk Maxwell: étude historique et critique (1902)


Duncan, J.

Applied mechanics for beginners (1902)

Applied mechanics for engineers (1926)

Applied mechanics for engineers (1926)

Mechanics and heat, an elementary course of applied physics (1920)


Duncan, J. - Starling, S. G.

A text book of physics (1925)


Durgin, William A.

Electricity, its history and development (1912)

Electrodynamics (1986)


Edser, Edwin

General physics for students (1911)

General physics workbook


Eisberg, R. M.

Fundamentals of modern physics (1961)

Fundamentals of modern physics (1961)


Ewing, James Alfred

Examples in mathematics, mechanics, navigation and nautical astronomy, heat and steam, and electricity, for the use of junior officers afloat (1911)

Thermodynamics for engineers (1920)

Thermodynamics for engineers (1920)

The mechanical production of cold (1921)


Fahie, John Joseph

Galileo, his life and work (1903)

Galileo, his life and work (1903)

Galileo, his life and work (1903)


Ferry, Ervin Sidney

Notes on light (1915)

A handbook of physics measurements, vol. I (1918)

A handbook of physics measurements, vol. II (1918)

General physics and its application to industry and everyday life (1921)

General physics and its application to industry and everyday life (1921)


Feynman, Richard

The Feynman Lectures on Physics

The Feynman Lectures on Physics


Fish, Fred Alan

Fundamental principles of electric and magnetic circuits (1920)


Föppl, A.

Theorie der Elektrizität, Erster Band (1918)

Theorie der Elektrizität, Zweiter Band (1918)


Franklin, William Suddards - Crawford, C. M. - MacNutt, Barry

Practical physics, a laboratory manual for colleges and technical schools, vol. I (1908)

Practical physics, a laboratory manual for colleges and technical schools, vol. II (1908)

Franklin, William Suddards - MacNutt, Barry

Light and sound; a text-book for colleges and technical schools (1909)

Mechanics and heat; a text book for collleges and technical schools (1916)

The elements of electricity and magnetism; a text-book for colleges and technical schools (1908)

The elements of electricity and magnetism; a text-book for colleges and technical schools (1911)

An elementary book on electricity and magnetism and their applications (1902)

Dynamos and motors, a text book for colleges and technical schools (1911)

Advanced theory of electricity and magnetism, a text-book for colleges and technical schools (1915)

General physics (1916)

Lessons in mechanics (1919)

Lessons in electricity and magnetism (1919)


Frye, Royal M.

Essentials of aplied physics (1947)

Essentials of aplied physics (1947)


Fuller, Robert W. - Brownlee, Raymond B. - Baker, D. Lee

Elementary principles of physics (1925)


Ganot, Adolphe - Maneuvrier, Georges

Natural philosophy for general readers and young people (1887)

Traité élémentaire de physique, vol. I (1887)

Traité élémentaire de physique, vol. II (1887)

Trattato elementare di fisica sperimentale ed applicata e di meteorologia (1861)

Trattato elementare di fisica sperimentale ed applicata e di meteorologia (1861) (pdf)

Tratado elemental de física (1885)

Tratado elemental de física (1897)

Ganot, Adolphe - Atkinson, E. - Reinold, A. W.

Elementary treatise on physics, experimental and applied (1910)


Gartenhaus, Solomon

Physics - Basic principles (1977)


Giambattista - Richardson - Richardson

Physics, 2nd edition (2010)


Giancoli, Douglas C.

Physics, principles with applications, 6th edition


Gilley, Frank M.

Principles of physics (1901)


Giordano, G.

Trattato elementare di fisica sperimentale e di fisica terrestre (1862)


Girvin, Harvey F.

Applied mechanics (1949)


Glauert, M. B.

Principles of dynamics (1960)


Glazebrook, R. T.

Practical physics (1889)

Practical physics (1893)

Mechanics, an elementary text-book, theoretical and practical (1910)

Mechanics, an elementary text-book, theoretical and practical (1911)


Good, Frederick F.

Laboratory projects in physics, a manual of practical experiments for beginners (1921)


Goodenough, George Alfred

Principles of thermodynamics (1920)

Principles of thermodynamics (1920)


Gregory, Richard - Hadley, H. E.

A class books of physics (1930)


Gray, Andrew - Mathews, G. B.

A treatise on Bessel functions and their applications to physics (1895)

A treatise on Bessel functions and their applications to physics (1895)


Gray, Andrew - Gray, James Gordon

A treatise on dynamics, with examples and exercises (1911)

A treatise on dynamics, with examples and exercises (1911)


Gray, Andrew

A treatise on gyrostatics and rotational motion (1918)


Gray, Andrew

A treatise on magnetism and electricity (1898)

A treatise on magnetism and electricity (1898)


Gray, Andrew

The theory and practice of absolute measurements in electricity and magnetism (1888), vol. I

The theory and practice of absolute measurements in electricity and magnetism (1888), vol. I

The theory and practice of absolute measurements in electricity and magnetism (1888), vol. II, part I

The theory and practice of absolute measurements in electricity and magnetism (1888), vol. II, part II


Gray, Paul E. - Searle, Campbell l.

Electronic principles (1969)


Gray, Robert M.

Entropy and information theory (2011)


Griffin, La Roy Freese

Elementary natural philosophy (1881)


Guillemin, Amédée

The forces of nature: a popular introduction to the study of physical phenomena (1877)


Hadley, H. E.

A manual of practical physics (1916)


Halliday, David

Introductory nuclear physics (1955)

Introductory nuclear physics (1955)


Halliday, David - Resnick, Robert - Walker, Jearl

Fundamentals of Physics, 10th edition (2014)

Fundamentals of Physics, 10th edition (2014)


Hardy, Arthur C. - Perrin, Fred H.

General physics, an elementary textbook for colleges (1908)

The principles of optics (1932)


Harnwell, Gaylord P.

Principles of electricity and electromagnetism (1938)


Hart, Ivor B.

A student's heat (1916)


Hastings, Charles S.

Light, a consideration of the more familiar phenomena of optics (1901)


Hastings, Charles S. - Beach, Frederick E.

A text-book of general physics for the use of colleges and scientific schools (1900)

A text-book of general physics for the use of colleges and scientific schools (1901)

A text-book of physics, for use in secondary schools (1906)


Heath, Edward

Aristarchus of Samos, the ancient Copernicus (1913)


Heaviside, Oliver

Electrical papers, vol. I (1892)

Electrical papers, vol. II (1892)

On operators in physical mathematics, Part I (1893)

On operators in physical mathematics, Part II (1893)

Electromagnetic theory, vol. I (1893)

Electromagnetic theory, vol. I (1893)

Electromagnetic theory, vol. II (1899)

Electromagnetic theory, vol. III (1912)

Electromagnetic waves (1889)


Heckstall-Smith, H. W.

Intermediate electrical theory (1955)


Heitler, W.

Elementary wave mechanics (1961)


Henderson, C. Hanford - Woodhull, John F.

Elements of physics (1900)


Hering, Daniel W.

Essentials of physics for college students (1921)


Hevesy, George - Paneth, F. A.

A manual of radioactivity (1938)


Hicks, W. M.

Elementary dynamics of particles and solids (1917)


Hopkins, George M.

Experimental science, elementary practical and experimental physics (1890)


Hough, Robert Harrison - Boehm, Waltern Martinus

Elementary principles of electricity and magnetism, for students in engineering (1913)


Houston, Edwin J.

A dictionary of electrical words, terms and phrases, vol. I (1904)

A dictionary of electrical words, terms and phrases, vol. II (1904)

The wonder book of light (1908)

The wonder book of magnetism (1908)


Houstoun, R. A.

An introduction to mathematical physics (1912)

An introduction to mathematical physics (1912)

Studies in light production (1912)

A treatise on light (1915)

A treatise on light (1915)

A treatise on light (1915)

Elements of physics (1919)


Houston, William V.

Principles of mathematical physics (1948)

Principles of mathematical physics (1948)


Inglis, Charles E.

Examples in applied mechanics and elementary theory of structures (1921)


Irodov, I. E.

Basic laws of electromagnetism (1986)

Problems in general physics (1988)


Jamieson, Andrew

Elementary manual on applied mechanics (1910)


Jessop, C. M.

The elements of applied mathematics, including kinetics, statics, and hydrostatics (1894)


Johnson, Frank G.

Johnson's natural philosophy (1872)


Johnston, John

A manual of natural philosophy (1853)


Klimov, A.

Nuclear physics and nuclear reactors (1975)


Koch, Ernest H.

The mathematics of applied electricity (1914)


Kompaneyets, A. S

Theoretical physics (1961)


Krane, Kenneth S.

Introductory nuclear physics (1988)


Lambe, C. G.

Mathematics for engineers and scientists (1969)


Landau, Lev D. - Kitaigorodski, A. I.

Physics for everyone, book 1 - Physical bodies

Physics for everyone, book 2 - Molecules

Physics for everyone, book 3 - Electrons

Physics for everyone, book 4 - Photons and nuclei


Landon, Joseph Whittington

Elementary dynamics, a text-book for engineers (1920)


Laue, Max von

History of physics (1950)


Lawden, Derek. F.

An introduction to tensor calculus and Relativity (1971)


Leighton, Robert B.

Principles of modern physics (1959)


Maclean, Magnus

Physical units (1896)


Madan, Henry George

Lessons in elementary dynamics (1886)

An elementary treatise on heat (1889)


Magie, William Francis

Principles of physics (1911)

Principles of physics (1911)


Martin, T. Commerford - Coles, Stephen Leidy

The story of electricity, vol. I (1919)

The story of electricity, vol. II (1919)


Martin, William

The illustrated natural philosophy (1864)


Matveev, A. E.

Electricity and magnetism (1986)

Mechanics and theory of relativity (1989)


McKay, Robert F.

The theory of machines (1915)


Merriman, Mansfield

Elements of mechanics (1905)

Elements of mechanics (1905)

Strength of materials (1907)

Mechanics of materials (1910)

Treatise on hydraulics (1916)


Millikan, Robert Andrew - Mills, John

A short university course in electricity, sound, and light (1908)

A short university course in electricity, sound, and light (1908)


Millikan, Robert Andrews - Gale, Henry Gordon - Bishop, Edwin Sherwood

A first course in laboratory physics for secondary schools (1914)


Millikan, Robert Andrew - Gale, Henry Gordon - Pyle, Willard R.

Practical physics (1922)

Practical physics (1922)


Mooers, Calvin - Mooers, Charlotte

Electronics, what everyone should know (1947


Morley, Arthur

Mechanics for engineers (1910)

Strength of materials (1908)

Strength of materials (1916)

Strength of materials (1916)

Theory of structure 1918)


Morley, Arthur - Inchley, William

Elementary applied mechanics (1911)


Moullin, E. B.

The principles of electromagnetism (1950)


Mottelay, Paul Fleury

Bibliographical history of electricity and magnetism (1922)


Nelkon, M.

Heat for Advanced Level (1978)


Nelkon, M. - P. Parker

Advanced Level physics, 3rd edition (1970)


Nichols, Edward L.

A laboratory manual of physics and applied electricity, vol. I (1903)

A laboratory manual of physics and applied electricity, vol. I (revised) (1912)

A laboratory manual of physics and applied electricity, vol. II (1903)


Northrup, Edwin F.

Laws of physical science (1917)


Nourse, Alan. E.

Universe, Earth, and atom, the story of physics (1969)


Olmstead, Denison

An introduction to natural philosophy (1891)


Osgood, Willilam Fogg

Mechanics (1949)


Page, Leigh

An introduction to electrodynamics from the standpoint of the electron theory (1922)

An introduction to electrodynamics from the standpoint of the electron theory (1922)


Page, Leigh - Adams, Norman Ilsley

Principles of electricity (1955)


Parker, Richard Green

A school compendium of natural and experimental philosophy (1861)


Peck, William G.

Introductory course of natural philosophy for the use of schools and academies (1871)


Pennell, W. O.

A generalization of Heaviside's expansion theorem (1929)


Poynting, J. H. - Thomson, J. J.

A text-book of physics, vol. I - Properties of matter (1909)

A text-book of physics, vol. II - Sound (1906)

A text-book of physics, vol. III - Heat (1911)

A text-book of physics, vol. III - Heat (later) (1920)

A text-book of physics, vol. IV - Light, electricity and magnetism (1914)


Privat-Deschanel, Augustin - Everett, Joseph David

Elementary treatise on natural philosophy (1880)

Elementary treatise on natural philosophy (1880)


Quackenbos, G. P.

A natural philosophy, embracing the most recent discoveries in the various branches of physics (1899)


Quackenbos, John D.

Appletons' school physics, embracing the results of the most recent researches in the several departments of natural philosophy (1891)


Reed, John Oren - Henderson, William D.

High school physics (1913)


Reed, John Oren - Guthe, Karl Eugen

College physics (1912)

College physics (1924)

A manual of physical measurements (1913)

A manual of physical measurements (1919)


Richardson, S. S.

Magnetism and electricity and the principles of electrical measurement (1908)


Rogers, Eric M.

Physics for the enquiring mind (1960)


Rolfe, W. J. - Gillet, J. A.

Handbook of natural philosophy (1871)

Elements of natural philosophy (1884)

Elements of natural philosophy (1885)


Routh, Edward John

A treatise on analytical statics, with numerous examples, vol. I (1909)

A treatise on analytical statics, with numerous examples, vol. II (1922)


Rowland, Henry A. - Ames, Joseph Streetman

Elements of physics (1899)

Elements of physics (1900)


Sanford, Fernando

Elements of physics (1904)


Savelyev, I. V.

Physics, a general course, vol. I - Mechanics, molecular physics (1989)

Physics, a general course, vol. II - Electricity and magnetism, waves and optics (1989)

Physics, a general course, vol. III - Quantum optics, atomic physics, solid state physics, physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles (1989)

Fundamentals of theoretical physics, vol. 1 - Mechanics, electrodynamics (1982)

Fundamentals of theoretical physics, vol. 2 - Quantum mechanics (1982)


Sears, Francis Weston

Principles of physics (1947)


Seeger, Raymond J.

Galileo, his life and his works (1966)


Serway, Raymond A. - Jewett, Jr., John W.

Serway, Jewett - Fí­sica para ciencias e ingenierí­a, 7a. edición, vol. 1 (2008)

Serway, Jewett - Fí­sica para ciencias e ingenierí­a, 7a. edición, vol. 2 (2008)


Sinclair, James

A third year's course in practical physics (1908)


Skolnik, Merrill I.

Introduction to radar systems (1962)


Slate, Frederick

The fundamental equations of dynamics and its main coördinate systems vectorially treated and illustrated from rigid dynamics (1918)


Slater, J. C. - Frank, Nathaniel H.

Introduction to theoretical physics (1933)


Slater, J. C.

Introduction to chemical physics (1939)

Electromagnetism (1947)


Smith, Percey F. - Longley, William Raymond

Theoretical mechanics (1910)

Theoretical mechanics (1910)

Theoretical mechanics (1910)

Theoretical mechanics (1910)

Theoretical mechanics (1910)


Somerville, Mary

The connexion of the physical sciences (1857)


Spinney, Louis Bevier

A text-book of physics (1911)


Sprague, Alfred White

The elements of natural philosophy (1856)


Steeds, W.

Mechanism and the kinematics of machines (1940)


Steele, j. Dorman

Fourteen weeks in physics (1879)

Fourteen weeks in physics (1879)


Stewart, R. Wallace

An elementary text-book of physics, part I - General (1910)

An elementary text-book of physics, part II - Sound (1909)

An elementary text-book of physics, part III - Light (1909)

An elementary text-book of physics, part IV - Heat (1910)


Synge, John L. - Griffith, Byron A.

Principles of mechanics (1949)


Sze, S. M.

Physics of semiconductor devices (1969)


Tamm, I. E.

Fundamentals of the theory of electricity (1979)


Tarasov, Lev V.

Laser physics (1983)


Tarasov, Lev - Tarasova, A.

Questions and answers in school physics (1973)


Thomälen, Adolf

A text-book of electrical engineering (1920)


Thompson, Silvanus P.

Elementary lessons in electricity and magnetism (1904)

Elementary lessons in electricity and magnetism (1915)


Tipler, Paul - Mosca, Gene

Physics for scientists and engineers, 5th edition (2004)


Todhunter, Isaac

Mechanics for beginners (1887)

Mechanics for beginners (1887)


Tower, Willis E. - Smith, Charles H. - Turton, Charles M. - Cope, Thomas D.

Physics (1920)


Tsokos, K. A.

Physics for the IB diploma (2008)


Turner, G. C.

Graphical methods in applied mathematics (1909)


Twin, Charles Burton

An elementary physics for secondary schools (1900)


Tyrrell, Henry Grattan

History of bridge engineering (1911)


Vladimirov, Yu. - Mitskievich, N. - Horsky, J.

Space time gravitation (1987)


Walsh, James J.

Makers of electricity (1909)


Watson, W.

A text-book of physics (1905)

A text-book of physics (1907)

Intermediate physics (1912)

Intermediate physics (1912)

A text-book of practical physics (1906)

A text-book of practical physics (1922)


Weatherburn, C. E.

Elementary vector analysis, with application to geometry and physics (1921)


Webber, D.

Advanced theoretical physics (1964)


Webster, Arthur Gordon

The theory of electricity and magnetism (1897)

The dynamics of particles and of rigid, elastic, and fluid bodies (1912)

The dynamics of particles and of rigid, elastic, and fluid bodies (1912)

The theory of electricity and magnetism (1897)

The theory of electricity and magnetism (1897)

The theory of electricity and magnetism (1897)

The theory of electricity and magnetism (1897)


Wegg-Prosser, F. B.

Galileo and his judges (1889)


Whetham, William Cecil Dampier

The theory of experimental electricity (1912)

The foundations of science (1912)

The recent development of physical science (1924)


Whitaker, J. W.

Mining physics and chemistry (1921)


White, W. H.

A handbook of physics (1912)

A complete physics written for London medical students and general use (1935)


Whitehead, Alfred North

The principle of relativity with applications to physical science (1922)


Whiting, Harold

A course of experiments in physical measurement (1897)


Whittaker, Edmund T.

The theory of optical instruments (1907)

A history of the theories of aether and electricity (1910)

A history of the theories of aether and electricity (1910)

A treatise on the analytical dynamics of particles and rigid bodies (1917)

A treatise on the analytical dynamics of particles and rigid bodies (1917)

A treatise on the analytical dynamics of particles (1917)


Wilson, Harold A.

Experimental physics, a textbook of mechanics, heat, sound and light (1915)


Wohlwill, Emil

Galilei und sein Kampf für die copernicanische Lehre I (1909)

Galilei und sein Kampf für die copernicanische Lehre II (1909)


Wood, de Volson

The principles of elementary mechanics (1894)

The elements of analytical mechanics, solids and fluids (1905)


Woolhouse, W. S. B.

Measures, weights, & moneys of all nations, and an analysis of the Christian, Hebrew, and Mahometan calendars (1890)


Worsnop, B. L. - Flint, H. T.

Advanced practical physics for students (1927)


Wright, Mark R.

Elementary physics (1889)


Yavorsky, B. M. - Pinsky, A. A.

Fundamentals of physics, vol. I (1975)

Fundamentals of physics, vol. II (1975)

Young, Hugh D. - Freedman, Roger A.

University Physics, 13th edition (2012)


Young, Hugh D. - Freedman, Roger A. - Sears, Francis Weston - Zemansky, Mark W.

Fí­sica universitaria, 12a. edición, vol. 1

Fí­sica universitaria, 12a. edición, vol. 2

University physics, 12th edition, solutions


Zeleny, Anthony - Erikson, Henry A.

A manual of physical measurements (1912)

A manual of physical measurements (1912)


Zemansky, Mark W.

Heat and thermodynamics (1968)


Ziwet, Alexander - Field, Peter

Introduction to analytical mechanics (1912)

Introduction to analytical mechanics (1912)


Ziwet, Alexander

Elements of theoretical mechanics (1904)


The cyclopaedia of electrical engineering, vol. I (1895)

The cyclopaedia of electrical engineering, vol. II (1895)


A history of the Cavendish laboratory 1871-1910 (1910)


Liste d'ouvrages de physique numérisés